Elements of Psychosynthesis [kindle edition]

Elements of psychosynthesis [kindle edition]

This kindle edition of The Elements of Psychosynthesis is the best introduction to the subject: straightforward, easy to understand theory is coupled with illustrative activities that bring Psychosynthesis to life. It also shows how Psychosynthesis is the psychology of choice for the modern world, its relevance emphasised not just for the individual but also for the larger world in which we live.

{N.B. This title is a Kindle version of Part 1 of the print book Psychosynthesis: The Elements and Beyond; the second part is also available in Kindle format}

"It is clear and informative, explains things in simple language which is inclusive without being condescending. The exercises are also easily achievable and consistent as well as being powerful tools for achieving learning and integrative movement."
(Amazon Reader)

Kindle Edition ASIN: B0067QV1DQ

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